Sunday 31 March 2019

Do it Now

Pursuing your goals and aspirations is to many a must but to some, it is only when that particular opportunity presents itself. A good number of persons have allow and probably watched great goals slip away and at the end attribute their failures to someone or a refurbish excuse.
Time they say is the currency of life and this is one thing that cannot be recovered once lost.

The latent thief of our time is PROCRASTINATION. Exhale! Are you serious? Is the writer correct? You mean, procrastination? I say emphatically YES, procrastination. “Procrastination comes from the Latin word ‘pro’, meaning ‘forward, forth, or in favor of,’ and ‘crastinus,’ meaning ‘of  tomorrow'” (Klein, 1971).

The Oxford learners dictionary explains it as "to delay doing something that you should do, usually because you do not want to do it" but in simple terms, it's eating or mortgaging your precious today for a tomorrow that is not certain or a deliberate and conscious transfer or not finishing a task now to a later time not even sure of. This has kept too many people going round a circle without visual advancement in their set goals. The excuse rate amongst youth is on a geometric increase due to this self-inflict injury and until you rise up to put a perpetual stop to it, it will unknowingly continue to or tend to reduce your supposed achievements.

It may interest you to know that only you, I mean you can get rid of it. Take a pause and think on past great opportunities one would have explored and make the best from if not this epidemic that is allowed into your schedule.

Studies conducted by Beswick, Rothblum & Mann, 1988; Gallagher, 1992; Rothblum, Solomon & Murakami, 1986 reports that 40% to over 50% of college students procrastinate. And this, one would agree is a big threat to our educational life which has direct effect on our undergraduates that translate to the now graduates as much to the generations yet unborn. It is really disheartening to note here how tertiary institutions are unknowingly producing what it's termed 'uneducated graduates'.

This is because when they ought to study to know and understand, they procrastinate to a later time or day which maybe close to examination thereby making or leave them with no choice but to cram or possibly indulge in examination malpractice. It has eaten into so many aspects of the human life even in business and the best time to eradicate it is NOW.

Effects of Procrastination
1. It steals time
Once a schedule is shifted, it is sometimes difficult to make judicious use of the lost moment hence rub you of your best output.

"Lost time is NEVER found again - Benjamin Franklin. I want to believe the word 'never' according to Benjamin in the above quote is not as though you cannot do it again but cannot achieve good results as much as you would have if not lost.
2. Reduce your Personality
Yes, it has the power of reducing ones personalities because once you consciously or unconsciously procrastinate over time, it somewhat be part of you which is a shouting character people around tend see hence the level of responsibility in such a fellow is drastically reduced.
Remember, your personality is you!
3. Poor decision making
One's decision making ability is weaken over time because the active force to act that naturally comes with a healthy decision is subsequently over powered by 'I'll do it later' thereby retarding a sound and better decision since it may not be carried out as when due.
Don't forget, you are directly proportional to the decisions you take or fail to take.
4. Mental stress
The real you is your mind and the level of your productivity is basically how stable the mind is. The mind is the powerhouse of our mental faculty. When schedules are pushed to a next time, it puts more work to the presumed time which also gives the brain more work because it will need to process, analyze and monitor every task as it comes.

Activities are decisions in an active state which are the end product of ideas and they can come per moment, so postponing the now to a later time directly giving the brain more work and stress.
A mental stress can lead to spontaneous inflow of ideas, bearing in mind that ideas they say rules the world.

5. Incomplete task
Task is an activity that needs to be accomplished within a defined period of time or by a deadline. So, when procrastination becomes the order of the day, it is obvious that productivity is bond to suffer which will in all means inhibit once next level of achievement.

Escape tips
1. Set short time goals that are realistic.
2. Deliberately and consciously follow your schedule.
3. Avoid the word "Later" and master the word "Now".

The big question is, why procrastinate when you can actually do it that moment?
According to a Spanish, “Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.” So, why wait till tomorrow when tomorrow is already shocked up with its own activities.
It will be better and more beneficial to do whatever it's supposed to be done as at the very moment fit for it as there will be no better time than that.

Never give in to laziness, low self-esteem nor unnecessary side attractions at the detriment of your schedule which has the ability to lunch you into the spotlight always admired.
“A year from now you may wish you had started today.” - Karen Lamb.
There's actually no right moment to take full responsibility of your schedule than now.
I will leave you with a striking word of Thomas Jefferson - "Never put off for tomorrow, what you can do today".

Do it now because now is the right time.


  1. It's a clear motivating piece. Do it now instead of waiting to the time you feel is the best. One can build better future by start working from today instead of waiting till tomorrow. Do it now....

  2. Nice nugget. Keep it coming boss. 👍🏽

  3. Motivating. Nice piece bro.

  4. Cool. Continue the good work...
